Sunday, February 24, 2013

Indestructible Hulk

Leinil Francis Yu is one of my favorite comic book artist and I was psyched to hear he would be joining Mark Wade on the Marvel Now book, Indestructible Hulk.  Not since Paul Pelletier took over the book several years ago have I been so excited about oncoming Hulk artist.  And let me say, Yu has not disappointed with his detailed, hyper-kinetic style.  

                                       Pen & Ink/Watercolor on 140lbs paper 10x7

This swipe is from the inaugural issue and really set the stage for the book thus far.  I loved this splash page and had to try it.  I simplified the background quite a bite because I was more interested in trying out my watercolor pans.  

My previous watercolors on top of pen & ink were done using watercolor pencils.  While I liked the final results, I was never able to manage the blended colors that I so wanted to achieve.  For this picture I employed the cotman watercolor pan set, and the result was much more freer and loose.  I really enjoyed the process.  

Here is the picture in black and white after I inked it.  I used micron 05, 08 and brush to ink the drawing.

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